About THERASET® Volume

THERASET® Volume is the collagenesis filler that stimulates collagen inside of skin to induce collagenesis and improves wrinkles and volume losses of face and body.
THERASET® Volume is made of biodegradable Poly-L-Lactic Acid (PLLA) confirmed by FDA and helps to restore natural volume for aging skin that has lost collagen.
Intended Use For treatment of severe facial wrinkles and folds, replacement of volume defects, improvement of facial lipoatrophy, improvement of facial contour deformities, and improvement of wrinkles, fold and volume in parts of the body that lack three-dimensionality.
Volume 214 mg/vial, 500 mg/vial
Storage Method Store at room temperature below 30℃. Do not freeze.

Effect of THERASET® Volume

When THERASET® Volume is injected into the subcutaneous
layer, it begins to stimulate the dermal collagen production.
This natural process increases the skin's elasticity and volume,
resulting in a more youthful appearance and increasing volume
for facial skin and body.

How Does THERASET® Volume Work?

PLLA Microsphere (MS)

New tissues created, cell migration
into porous PLLA MS

and collagen created.

Increase volume
by continously
inducing collagenesis.

Safe Collagen Stimulator, PLLA Microsphere

THERASET® Volume has reduced the possibility of side effects compared to Product S. The shape of soft and uniform microsphere enables easy injection and prevents clogging inside of needle. And the smooth spherical particles lower the risk of skin nodules after injection.
In addition, it is advantageous for increasing face or body volume by using the same amount.


Particle shape
Particle surface
Face and body


Particle shape
Particle surface
Mainly face area

Recommended Area of THERASET® Volume Treatment

Treatment is possible on desired areas such as the face, hip, and breast.

Number of Uses and Capacity

Over 80% of PLLA maintains for 24 months. After 3 to 4 initial
injections, no need for additional injection for 2 years. The volume
required for a full-face procedure is 9ml, while the volume needed
for body procedures varies depending on the specific area.
401-404, Bio Venture Town, Daejeon Techno-Park, 1662, Yuseong-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 34054, Republic of Korea
T +82-(0)70-7802-2420 F +82-(0)42-863-0901 E sales@wizchem.com

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